Launching ONYX, our EU Relocation Management Platform

Dear Clients, We are delighted to inform you that Eres Relocation Netherlands has launched ONYX, our eres relocation management platform. Our colleagues in Spain, Portugal, France and Italy have done so already and Germany will go live later this year. ONYX provides an organised way of storing documents and keeping track of the progress of a […]
A New Year in A New Office

Dear clients and relations, After 14 years working in a relatively modest office we are totally ready for the next step. We will be moving to a 150m2 lofty office in the hart of Haarlem right at Central Station, where we will continue the exiting journey we embarked on when we joined the Eres Group. […]
Brexit current State of Impact on our Countries

In view of the fast approaching Brexit deadline of 31st December 2020, we thought you may find the attached White Paper helpful: It provides the key information you need to consider when sending employees to any of the eres countries (Spain, Portugal, France, Italy & the Netherlands ) before or after the end of this year. We have included […]